My Day

by poppy [as transcribed from her notes by Fëanor]


Wake up after sleeping for approximately 5 hours. Realize that, unlike 5 hours ago, I can now roll over, change positions, etc., without yelping. This does not, however, mean I can actually sleep well; toss and turn until 7.


Jim gets up; I remain in sleepy half stupor until he is dressed. Then I begin to issue my demands. Jim is quite the good sport about it.


Jim leaves, after supplying my demands. The bed is now littered with various entertainments, and I am supplied with water, tea, and wheat thins. I try not to think about what happens when the wheat thins run out.
begin reading:


Finish reading NYR article on John Stuart Mills. Not wholly satisfying. Consider forcing future offspring to learn Greek at age 3. Thought cheers me.



Tire of Gingrich and wheat thins. Decide to foray into the rest of the house. Perform "getting-out-of-bed" ritual, right after the "sitting-up" ritual. Thank the higher powers I have a fixable condition. Start to crave pasta. Put water on, and try to find something interesting on TV. Fail. Eat pasta. Start to become discouraged. Decide to make list of things I will do when I can move freely again. Decide that is too depressing. Watch show about cookies. Start to rummage around cabinets for cookies. No cookies. Decide to go back to bed. Go back to bed; perform appropriate rituals. Sulk. Eat granola bar. Play Super Mario Land on GBA. Contemplate how playing old Mario games is like riding a bike.




More nap.


Get up and think about getting dressed. Mother-in-law arrives to take me to the doctor's. Decide to get dressed.


Doctor's. Think how it's always a good sign when a doctor tells his assistant, "Just hold her down so she doesn't fall off the table when I do this."


Get home. Open presents from Jim's parents. Love them. Curl back up in bed with new knitting books and return to age-old question: to Austen or not to Austen?