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Saturday, March 28, 2009 08:04 PM
Another Film Fest Update
 by Fëanor

The film festival is going well so far. As always, you can read my reviews over at Phillyist. It kind of sucks that one of my movies just got canceled, but it gave me a chance to put Sita Sings the Blues on my schedule, so that's cool.
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Friday, March 27, 2009 10:51 AM
Movie Reviews
 by Fëanor

My first film festival review/sneak preview post has gone live on Phillyist, as has my review of Monsters vs. Aliens. Enjoy!
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Thursday, March 26, 2009 11:56 AM
Strange Thoughts, Notes, Ideas
 by Fëanor

  • I think my DVD player, which is about 6 or 7 years old if I'm counting back correctly (I bought it when I was still living in my apartment in Philly) may be going haywire. The film festival opens tonight, and this year Phillyist was offered screeners of many of the movies in the festival, which is really cool, because it means I've been able to watch a number of the films I wanted to see before the festival has even begun, and in the comfort of my own home, as they say. But last night I was watching this really exciting suspense/thriller/horror flick (Left Bank), and it had just reached the climax - the last ten minutes of the film - when my DVD player simply refused to play any more of the movie. I was freaking out until I realized I had a bunch of other DVD players in the house and I could try the disc in them. It wouldn't play at all in the laptop, but I was finally able to watch the end of the movie with no problems on the DVD player in the basement - which was actually a better venue for a horror movie about an evil hole in the cellar anyway. Some of the movies I've been able to watch while running on the treadmill in the morning, because they're foreign and have subtitles, so I don't have to be able to hear them. This morning I tried to do that, only to have the DVD player claim that it could not play either of the two screeners that I have left because neither were in the NTSC format. I find it hard to believe that out of all the screeners I've watched, I would just happen to have kept for last the only two that were not in NTSC format. I'll try the discs in some other players and see what happens, but I suspect by DVD player of lying to me.

  • I don't even know how to describe this; just something I thought up this morning: How-I-Could-Just-Kill-A-Man in a can, brought to you by Stab-A-Guy, Inc., a subsidiary of Fuck-Up-A-Dude Enterprises.

  • While rearranging the fridge this morning to get out the jar of jelly I needed, I realized you could probably make a reasonably interesting "Rearrange the Fridge" puzzle game. There'd be a group of levels where you'd have to rearrange the fridge to fit the items from a grocery store trip inside, with the levels varying in difficulty by how much was in the fridge when you started, how much was purchased at the grocery store, how big the fridge was, and how much time you were given to complete the task. Then there'd be another series of levels where you'd have to rearrange the fridge to get out a particular food item, or set of food items, in order to make lunch or something. In the early levels you'd be given counter space so you could take some items out of the fridge altogether and set them aside, but later on you would only be able to move an item from one spot in the fridge to another spot in the fridge.

    Then, naturally, there would be a bonus psycho level where you'd have to rearrange the fridge to fit a dead hooker in there.
Tagged (?): Food (Not), Movies (Not), Philadelphia Film Festival (Not), Philadelphia Film Festival 2009 (Not), Phillyist (Not), Technology (Not), Video games (Not)
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 03:02 PM
Film Fest Update
 by Fëanor

For those interested, I've updated my schedule for the film festival (which starts in two days!!). See the changes here.
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Sunday, March 8, 2009 02:12 PM
(Last updated on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 02:45 PM)
My Schedule
 by Fëanor

(UPDATE: I've made some changes to my schedule. I removed some movies that I'm going to be able to see screeners for instead, and I took off 20th Century Boys 2 because 20th Century Boys 1 turned out to be kind of dumb. I also switched to a different screening of Herb and Dorothy to fill up a gap and free up another day.

UPDATE 2: Another change to the schedule! Rock Prophecies got canceled. I was going to replace it with Sita Sings the Blues, but that's silly, as you can watch the whole thing online. I'm just going to keep my Friday night clear.)

I put the finishing touches on my Philadelphia Film Festival/Philly CineFest schedule this morning, so I thought I might as well go ahead and post it here. I decided I wanted to keep it simple and easy this year, so I went with a relatively small number of films and as few late nights as possible. (It helps that I should be able to watch four more of the movies I wanted to see via screeners ahead of time - which is why only 20th Century Boys 2 is on my schedule, and not 20th Century Boys.) Let me know if you'd like to join me at any of these screenings. I always like some company, and I'll probably be able to save a seat for you.

The Perfect SeasonFri, 3/275PMPrince75min
MoonFri, 3/277:15PMRitz East97min
HungerSat, 3/2812:15PMPrince96min
Herb and DorothySat, 3/284:45PMRitz East91min
Before the FallSat, 3/284:30PMPrince93min
RevancheSat, 3/289:30PMRitz 5121min
20th Century Boys 2Sun, 3/299:15PMRitz East139min
The ChaserMon, 3/309:15PMRitz East125min
Stone of DestinyTue, 3/314:45PMPrince96min
Phantom PunchTue, 3/317PMPrince104min
The Brothers BloomTue, 3/319:15PMPrince109min
Jury DutyWed, 4/14:45PMPrince88min
The Hurt LockerWed, 4/17PMPrince130min
Number One with a BulletThu, 4/24:45PMPrince101min
Rock PropheciesFri, 4/36:45PMIhouse85min
The Joy of SingingSat, 4/412PMPrince96min
ZiftSat, 4/45:30PMBridge92min
JuliaSun, 4/52:15PMRitz East140min
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