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I'll admit it, this game has been done before. But not exactly like this.
I played a version of this game on my brother's Mac and was fascinated by it. I wanted a version for my PC, but I wasn't sure where to get one. Then I hit upon a wonderful idea: why not make one myself? So I did. And now you can play it, too!
NEW as of 06-14-2004:
I've done it again! I've added a new option: you can now set the list of colors from which each area's background color is randomly chosen.
You can also save all of your settings under a unique name, and reload them later! So if you have a bunch of custom settings that you're tired of entering in every time you play the game, then this new functionality is for you.
Btw, by "settings" I mean the gender of your character, whether sound and music are turned on or off, the list of background colors, and the keyboard controls. All of this information will be saved when you save your settings.
NEW as of 06-03-2004:
Exciting news! You can now save your game and continue it later! Just use the "Save Game" or "Save Game As" option in the menubar. There's also a high score table that you can add your score to at the end of a game. I changed some other things, too; the ugly message panel that used to come up to notify you of things has been replaced with a lovely dialog box. I'm also pretty sure I fixed a bug that was causing the game to slow down when you played into the later levels.
Some notes:
And finally, I also fixed a bug where sometimes you could land on top of a monster or an item after you died, and the monster wouldn't hurt you or you wouldn't pick up the item, respectively. I fixed this problem by making it impossible for you to land on anything after teleporting! Maybe it's a bit of a cop-out, but I didn't want to make it possible for you to die multiple times in a row. That's hardly fair.
NEW as of 11-13-2003:
Good news! I fixed a long-standing bug in the applet that's been annoying me for some time. When you hit the yodel key, there is now a slight pause during which you get to see the character yodeling before the monsters come a-running. Not a big change, but one that I'm pretty happy about.
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