Monday, March 14, 2005 11:08 AM
 by Fëanor

  • Via Sarcasmo's Corner: an awesome song and an awesome video from the awesome Beck. I'm very much looking forward to his new album, Guero, which is supposed to be coming out March 29th.

  • Cheapass Games just updated their Coming Soon page with some more information on the upcoming Diceland expansions. They've also put up a new Diceland wallpaper for one of the expansions, but it's not really that great so I'm not linking to it.

    If you're lazy and don't feel like following my link, I'll pick out the salient details for you: the expansions are called Cyburg and Dragons. The former is set in cyberspace in the far future; the latter is a classic fantasy set featuring dragons and their riders. Cheapass promises cool new mechanics for both expansions. They also say we'll learn more in April. I don't know what that means. Knowing Cheapass, these things might not ship until next year. But I'm still ridiculously excited. New Diceland dice! Woo hoo!

  • I'm also excited about this weekend, when some friends and I shall convene for our first session of an RPG campaign using TrackerNeil's very cool home-made rule system (well, it seems really cool; I guess I should withhold judgement until I've actually played with it for a bit). (UPDATE: It sounds like now this first session may happen either earlier or later than originally planned for the unlikely--but appropriately geeky--reason that some of the participants are presenting at an internet awards ceremony that afternoon.) The system (codename: Cheetahs) is streamlined and requires no long and painful character creation session involving much flipping back and forth through multiple books and copying down incredible amounts of data from incredible numbers of confusing tables. So I've got my character all written up already, and we can get started playing right away.

    I am missing one important element of my character, though: a name. My wife suggested Micah. I kind of like it, but I'm not sure. I wanted something with a "J" in it. Any suggestions from you folks?

    Btw, TrackerNeil, do folks in the Cheetahs universe tend to have one name or two?

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