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Thursday, December 24, 2009 01:17 PM
The Hulk Thought of the Day
 by Hulk

Grah! Hulk hate when stores play Christmas music and put up Christmas decorations early! Hulk smash!!!


What? Today is Christmas Eve? Oh. Well, uh, carry on, then, puny humans. Hulk have shopping to do.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009 01:19 PM
The Hulk Thought of the Day
 by Hulk

It look very festive when Green Hulk and Red Hulk get together. But inevitably Hulks end up pummeling each other into unconsciousness. Always with the family drama around the holidays.
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:13 PM
The Hulk Thought of the Day
 by Hulk

Hulk has just been made aware of very serious issue: there is war being made on Hulkmas!

If puny humans are wished a "Happy Holidays" or, even worse, a "Merry Christmas," puny humans must object and correct! The only acceptable phrase for all right-thinking puny humans is "Happy Hulkmas!" Spread the word!
Tagged (?): Christmas (Not), Hulkmas (Not), The Hulk Thought of the Day (Not)
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