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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 08:35 PM
No More Setup
 by Fëanor

Even though the film festival is over, I still feel like I'm running to catch up. I barely got The Take done today before leaving work and going to the comic store, and once again I had no time to put together a wish list or write The Setup. And as I sat down just now to write The Setup after the fact, I suddenly decided I didn't want to. I've been thinking for a while now that The Setup is kind of redundant and unnecessary. So I'm going to go ahead and do away with it. You will still be getting The Take, and all the comic reviews that come with it, but no more wish list posts. I don't think anyone will be terribly sad.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), Meta (Not), Philadelphia Film Festival 2008 (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Friday, April 11, 2008 08:17 AM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

This is coming after the fact this week, as I just didn't have time to write it before I went to the store; in fact, I went in blind, without a list of any kind! Thankfully, I know what I like well enough that I didn't really need a list. But I felt like I still owed you guys the post, so here you go!

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Trek Year Four
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: Hard Call #1
Although I love Martin's Song of Ice and Fire novels, I've actually never read anything else by him, including his superhero series, Wild Cards. I'm not actually sure why that is, so when I saw that they were doing a comic book adaptation, I figured it was time to jump on in.

B.P.R.D. 1946 #4
Woo hoo! New Mignola!

Goon #23
I used to be a lot more excited when a new issue of Goon came out, but last issue really kind of let me down. Here's hoping this one will turn things around.

Serenity: Better Days #2
The only thing that disappoints me about this series is that there's only going to be three issues. Which means there's only one more after this one. But hopefully it will do well so there will be more Serenity storylines on the way.

Green Lantern Corp #23
The cover of this issue features a couple of our favorite Lanterns drowning under a tide of rings, and the tagline "Many Rings to Kill Them All!" or something like that. The point is, it's hilarious, but also ominous and intriguing. Looking forward to it!

Aqua Leung Volume 1
I read an article about this one in Comic News. Despite the silly title (a Jethro Tull pun? Really?), it sounds like it might be a pretty dark, epic story about a young boy who discovers his heritage as a prince of Atlantis and sets out to do whatever he needs to do to take his throne. The story is being released in a series of graphic novel volumes, each of which tell a complete, whole story, instead of in individual issues. I'm curious.

Criminal 2 #2
Another Criminal one-shot. And, no doubt, another masterpiece.

Fantastic Four #556
This is another comic that really let me down in the previous issue, but I'm still looking forward to seeing the FF facing off against a robotic killing machine named Cap.

Hedge Knight II: Sworn Sword #6
The second G.R.R. Martin comic adaptation out this week! I believe this is the final issue of this series, so it should be interesting to see how it all turns out.

Nova #12
My monthly dose of space adventure. Last issue was slightly dull, but I expect things will pick up this time.

Wolverine #64
Now that I have seen the light about Jason Aaron, I greet every title by him with great anticipation. And Wolverine is no exception. I suspect everything will start to go horribly wrong in the flashback story this week, and that Wolverine's chase of Mystique in the present will become even more brutal.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008 12:06 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Trek Year Four
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
Abe Sapien: The Drowning #3
More Abe versus ancient evil. Good times.

Action Comics #863
I believe this will finish up the excellent Legion of Super Heroes storyline that I've been enjoying so much. It will be a bitter sweet parting.

Anna Mercury #1
New Warren Ellis miniseries! It's about a girl in leather shooting things, I think. Does it matter?

This is a Dark Horse trade paperback collecting a couple of old crossover miniseries. I'm curious, but I know next to nothing about Grendel, so I actually don't know if I really want this or not. I'm going to have to do some research...

Buffy Season 8 #13
Buffy versus crazy Japanese vampires! Hopefully we'll learn more about Xander's mysterious secret this issue.

Cable #2
Here's hoping Duane keeps up the quality in the second issue of his new ongoing title about the big old time-travelling bad-ass and the tiny little messiah baby.

Dark Kingdom #1
This is a one-shot from Image Comics based on a Frank Frazetta painting. It's about a pirate and it's in a fantasy setting. Thought it might be worth a shot.

Kick Ass #2
I was really on the fence about the first issue of this miniseries about a young kid in a normal world who decides to become a superhero. So I think this will be the deciding issue for me. If it's decent, I'll commit for the rest of the series, and if it's not, I'll drop it.

Omega: The Unknown #7
I'm always excited to read a new issue of this title. Who knows what will happen this time?

Scalped #16
This is probably one of the best comics on the shelves right now. Of course I'll be picking it up.

Secret Invasion #1
Marvel finally unveils the first issue of its much ballyhooed Secret Invasion miniseries which will tell the story of the new Skrull threat. I am prepared for this to suck, but hopefully it will defy my expectations and actually be decent.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:26 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Trek Year Four
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #51
This is the first issue in a new story arc for this title. I was planning on picking it up a while back, but it didn't come out the week I was expecting, and then I forgot about it. This week the next issue is coming out, so I guess this one did actually get released at some point. I'll try picking both up. That should give me a good idea whether I should continue reading the series or not.

New releases
All-Star Superman #10
Hey, one of my first favorite series is finally back with a new issue! The summary on the DC website gives absolutely no hint as to what this issue is about, but it doesn't really matter; it's Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely working their magic on the man in blue yet again.

Dan Dare #5
Looks like Dan's really getting into the thick of things as commander of the fleet in this issue, and he might have to seriously consider giving himself over to the Mekon to save humanity. This has been a surprisingly excellent series so far, so I'm looking forward to the new issue.

Gravel #2
It goes without saying that I am very excited to see a new entry out this week in Warren Ellis' series following the most bad-ass combat magician of all time as he attempts to track down the fragments of a powerful and dangerous parchment, and figure out why and how he got kicked out of the Minor Seven.

Green Lantern #29
Sadly, this excellent series is taking a detour, starting with this issue, to do yet another retelling of the secret origin of Hal Jordan. But hopefully that won't be as boring and pointless as it sounds.

Jack of Fables #21
Apparently the group is putting on Hamlet in this issue? Okay, I'm cool with that.

Secret History of the Authority: Jack Hawksmoor #1
This is the start of a new six-issue miniseries from Wildstorm that puts the spotlight on the character of Authority member Jack Hawksmoor, and takes a look at what he was doing all the way back before he even joined StormWatch. I'm not familiar with the author on this (Mike Costa), but I love Hawksmoor and the Authority and I'm always in search of a decent title about them. Here's hoping this is one!

Ultimate Fantastic Four #52
Like I said above, I'm giving this title a try, and this is the new issue out this week. Apparently Reed is fighting Thanos for the Cosmic Cube, and horrible things are happening to the other members of the Fantastic Four. Sounds intriguing...

Ultimate Human #3
And here's the other Warren Ellis title coming out this week - you know, the one about Hulk, Iron Man, and the Ultimate version of the Leader, who is actually Peter Wisdom, the guy from that Wisdom miniseries that I haven't gotten around to reading yet because I haven't found #1. The point is, Warren Ellis. It will be good, and I must own it.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008 01:40 PM
(Last updated on Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:42 PM)
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Trek Year Four
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
Captain America #36
The second act of "The Death of Captain America" comes to a conclusion in this issue, and I expect it shall be violent and doom-filled. But hopefully some red-skulled ass will get kicked in the process.

Captain Marvel #4
More Secret Invasion secrets will come out in this issue. Looking forward to it.

Ghost Rider #21
Woo hoo! Jason Aaron's run on this book continues with Ghost Rider versus armed nuns nurses (oops! Although nuns might be even better...), and a haunted highway! Good times.

Incredible Hercules #115
Cho is on the rampage! Let's hope he doesn't become a supervillain. Loving this series.

The Order #9
In the penultimate issue of this series, our heroes will apparently face their worst threat yet. I'll be there for the bitter end!

Superman/Batman Annual #2
This issue is actually not connected with the current storyline on Superman/Batman, and is instead a one-shot reimagining of a Golden Age World's Finest Comics storyline by a different creative team. It might suck, but I'll give it a shot. Anyway, if it weren't for this book, I'd be buying only Marvel titles this week, and that's kind of embarrassing.

World War Hulk Aftersmash: Warbound #4
I've really been enjoying this miniseries that's following Hulk's friends in the aftermath of the events of WWH. I believe the next issue will be the last. Here's hoping not everybody dies.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:41 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Trek Year Four
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

Comic Book Comics #1
I read some good buzz on this title, and the premise sounded interesting (a history of comics told in comic book format), so I've been keeping an eye out for it. But somehow I must have missed it, because Chris Sims had a review up of it last week. So I'm going to try to track it down this week.

New releases
Abe Sapien: The Drowning #2
Abe's first solo mission continues! With tentacles! Bound to be fun.

Annihilation: Conquest #5
The penultimate issue of this epic space action miniseries. Looking forward to it very, very much.

B.P.R.D.: 1946 #3
Hey, two Hellboy-verse books in one week! Lucky me! This one sees Bruttenholm and friends heading into an abandoned asylum at night, which is never a recipe for a fun time. Making things worse is the fact that this abandoned asylum is full of starving Nazi vampires! Awesome.

Fantastic Four #555
The great new FF continues with a look at New Earth, and apparently also a look at the Torch naked - with a supervillain! Uh oh.

The Goon #22
This issue the Zombie Priest freaks out and unleashes something really, really terrible on the Goon. Sounds familiar, but I'm sure it'll be fun.

Green Lantern Corps #22
A look into the life of Alpha-Lantern Boodikka concludes in this second and final part of the "Curse of the Alpha-Lantern" storyline. I'm not a huge fan of the character, but the over-arching story is very interesting.

Hedge Knight II: Sworn Sword #5
The comic adaptation of George R.R. Martin's story reaches its penultimate issue here, and all signs point to war.

Last Defenders #1
This is a new miniseries featuring the actual real return of the superhero team known as the Defenders, this time sans copyright violations and trademark infringements. It's being written by Joe Casey, who apparently is the same guy who's doing that Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin miniseries that I really don't like. But the premise of the book is interesting, so I'll give it a try.

Nova #11
Just as we have two Hellboy-verse books this week, we also get two awesome Marvel space titles. Good stuff.

Serenity: Better Days #1
Joss Whedon is apparently liking how he can bring all his dead TV series back to life in comic book form, because now he's doing it again with this new miniseries. Yes, he's actually writing it. Well, co-writing it. So it should be good! Hopefully. Also, this is set in between the events of Firefly and Serenity, so all our favorite characters are still alive, which is a plus.

Superman #674
I don't believe I've tried this book yet (although I could be wrong), and since it seems to be starting a new arc at the moment, I thought I'd take a stab at it.

Thunderbolts #119
I'm definitely pleased to see another issue of this great Warren Ellis series on the release schedule, especially since everything had just started going seriously crazy last issue.

Wolverine #63
I wasn't a huge fan of Wolverine #62, which was the start of a new story arc for this book by Jason Aaron, but it was intriguing enough that I'm back for another go. We'll see how things turn out this time.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008 01:36 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Infinite Crisis
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Strange Kiss
Stranger Kisses
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
Buffy Season 8 #12
A writer from the TV series (Drew Goddard) takes over with this issue, and moves the setting to Japan. Sounds interesting. I just hope Goddard wrote the good episodes, and not the bad ones...

Cable #1
This is the launch of Philly author Duane Swierczysnki's new ongoing series, which is spinning out of the Messiah CompleX storyline. My old pal Ariel Olivetti is on art. I don't really care about Cable, I wasn't a fan of Messiah CompleX, and I've yet to read a comic by Swierczysnki that really blew me away. But despite all that, I'm still hoping I'll enjoy this comic. I know Swierczysnki is a good writer; maybe he just needed some time to figure out how to transfer his talent into the comics medium...

Green Lantern #28
More on the Alpha Lanterns, the trial of the Lost Lantern, and the Blackest Night. Loving this series!

Justice League: The New Frontier Special
I know putting out a comic to tie-in with the DVD release of New Frontier is just a shameless attempt to make me spend more money, but... what can I say? It works! This one-shot features lost tales from New Frontier, and behind-the-scenes bonus material from the movie, and I cannot resist it.

Logan #1
Brian K. Vaughan takes on Wolverine in this new three-issue miniseries about everybody's favorite Canadian who, now armed with all his memories, is heading out to settle an old score. Eduardo Risso is on art, and I understand from EverMike that he's good. We'll see!

Omega: The Unknown #6
Is anybody else reading this? I wonder. I think it's pretty fantastic. This issue promises funerals, college, and a glimpse of a comic-within-a-comic, so it should be interesting!

Scalped #15
Sounds like a creepy new character named Mr. Brass is going to be introduced here. Whatever, as long as it keeps being fantastic!

Star Trek Year Four
This is a collection from IDW of a series that's exploring what happened during the fourth year of the Enterprise's mission; essentially, it's Star Trek: Season Four. I'm curious. Not curious enough to actually buy the trade in the store this week, but this will go on my Amazon wish list.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008 03:09 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Wow. Unusually long list this week. Better get right to it!

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Strange Kiss
Stranger Kisses
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
Action Comics #862
This is the second to last entry in what has been a truly fantastic story arc for this book, about Superman in the future trying to help the Legion of Super-Heroes stop the evil Justice League, who have twisted his legacy. The horrific secret behind the Superman conspiracy is supposed to be revealed in this issue, so I can't wait.

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #9
Apparently it's Batman and Robin versus the Green Lantern in this next installment in the hilariously ridiculous Frank Miller/Jim Lee series. What jaw-droppingly astounding thing will happen this issue? We shall see, my friends. We shall see.

Batman #674
More torture! More flashbacks! More... Bat-Mite?! Oh, Grant Morrison, you so crazy.

Captain America #35
The Red Skull's evil plan finally kicks into full gear and the new Captain America has to try to stop it. Let's hope this issue features more beatings and fewer mortgages than last issue.

Criminal 2 #1
Criminal is relaunching in a new format (both the main story and back-pages section are longer) with this issue, the first in a series of three standalone issues. It tells the story of Gnarly the bartender, how his career as a boxer ended, and how the Undertow bar came into his hands. Which is all stuff I've been wondering about, so should be exciting.

Dan Dare #4
The prime minister has disappeared, putting the entire navy into disarray, and Dan Dare and his buddies are facing a last stand on the colony planet. It doesn't look good! And that always makes for thrilling comics.

Gravel #1
The first full issue in Warren Ellis' new series about the titular combat magician finally arrives this week. I've been looking forward to this since I read #0 early last month. I only wish I'd gotten a chance to pick up and read all of Gravel's previous adventures in the meantime...

Infinite Crisis
I know, I know. I hate big DC crossovers. I hated Crisis on Infinite Earths. But this is a cheaper, trade paperback version of a really big crossover that made a lot of important alterations to the DC multiverse. Plus it's written by Geoff Johns, and has art by all kinds of great, talented guys. And it's not like I'm going to pay full price for it; I'll wait for an Amazon gift certificate or something.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't still feel dirty putting it on my list. *shiver*

Jack of Fables #20
This issue promises to be the ridiculously sexy conclusion to the Americana storyline. It also promises to feature more delusional oxen, which is really all I needed to hear.

Kick Ass #1
This new book from artist John Romita Jr. and writer Mark Millar (both of whose work I've enjoyed a great deal in the past) bills itself as "the greatest super hero comic of all-time," and "realistic super heroes taken to the next level," so how can I resist it? Plus, there's that title. That's a great title.

Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #3
I really wish I could find #1 of this series. So far I haven't been able to read it at all. Ah, well.

Narcopolis #2
The plot summary for this issue on Avatar's website reveals that the crap that went down at the end of last issue was a "psychestryke" that infected people with "BadEvil." Interesting. Definitely looking forward to seeing where Jamie Delano goes next with this impressive new series.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #51
I like the Fantastic Four, and I've enjoyed the work of writer Mike Carey in the past, so I thought maybe it was time to try out Carey's Ultimate Fantastic Four. And this issue features Mr. Fantastic fighting Thanos over the Cosmic Cube, with New York caught in between, and that's pretty hard to resist.

World War Hulk Aftersmash: Damage Control #2
I wasn't a big fan of the first issue of this, but it's still on my spreadsheet, so I guess I decided I'd give it at least one more try. And I remember why now: the ending of the last issue suggested that this issue would open up with a giant super fight. The plot summary says something about the Chrysler Building somehow going on a rampage, too, which sounds like fun. So yeah, I'm in.

X-Men: First Class #9
This issue, the Scarlet Witch has to decide whether she should take Marvel Girl's route and become a super hero, or take Black Widow's advice and become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. So far I've always enjoyed the bits in this comic focusing on Marvel Girl and the Scarlet Witch, so hopefully this will be a good issue.

Young Avengers Presents #2
The second issue of this miniseries which will introduce and develop each of the Young Avengers is about Hulkling, who is apparently the son of a Skrull Princess and Captain Marvel (woah!), so of course they got Brian Reed of Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel to write it. I'm a little disappointed that Hulkling doesn't have more to do with the Hulk, but he sounds pretty interesting regardless, so I'm definitely intrigued about this issue.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:19 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Strange Kiss
Stranger Kisses
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

New releases
Hulk #2
I'm mad at myself for actually planning to buy another issue of this stupid comic. But it's the Hulk! And it's an interesting mystery. So I will give it one more try.

Incredible Hercules #114
Good old Greg Pak. Still loving this series of his. Putting it out at the same time as Hulk is a big mistake, though; it just makes everybody realize how much better this title is in comparison.

The Order #8
Only two more issues of The Order after this one. It's a sad thing.

Runaways #29
Hey, Runaways! It's been such a long time since the last issue, I almost forgot this series was still running; it had even somehow dropped off of my comics wish list spreadsheet. But it's back on there now, and I'm looking forward to this issue.

Star Wars: Dark Times #9
This comic was supposed to come out last week, but maybe this time it will actually be on the shelves.

Superman/Batman #46
Superman and Batman continue their quest to rid the world of Kryptonite. I've really been enjoying this series so far, so here's hoping it continues to be good.

Ultimate Human #2
Awww, yeah. New Warren Ellis. Always a good thing. And bound to be better than that other Hulk title.

Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #6
This is a bittersweet occasion - the release of the final issue of this great little miniseries. Thankfully, they've already promised another Umbrella Academy series in the near future, so it's not goodbye forever.

World War Hulk Aftersmash: Warbound #3
And even more Greg Pak! Awesome.
Tagged (?): Comic books (Not), The Setup (Not)
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008 12:46 PM
The Setup
 by Fëanor

Fëanor's weekly comic book wish list.

Back issues and old data
Apparat Volume 1
Astonishing X-Men Volume 3: Torn
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham #3
Black Summer #0 or Black Summer Alpha
Desolation Jones
Fell: Feral City Volume One
The Goon Volume 3: Heaps of Ruination
Heavy Liquid
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #1
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Volume 3
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - Path to Nowhere
Strange Killings
Strange Killings: Body Orchard
Strange Killings: Necromancer
Strange Killings: Strong Medicine
Strange Kiss
Stranger Kisses
Wisdom #1
The usual suspects.

Scalped Volume 1: Indian Country
Scalped Volume 2: Casino Boogie
I really enjoyed the couple of issues of this title that I read last week, so I figure I might as well catch up on the earlier parts of the series.

New releases
Booster Gold #0
It was my firm belief that I would never buy a Booster Gold title, because everything I've seen of him so far I've hated, but Chris Sims has been raving about this book, and I just realized it's written by my good pal Geoff Johns, so I might as well give it a shot. This particular issue seems to be a prequel that ties in with some kind of Countdown crap, so maybe I'll hate it, but we'll see.

BPRD: 1946 #2
Woo hoo! More BPRD!

Captain Marvel #3
I believe the last issue of this ended with a whole pile of Skrulls falling on top of our hero's head, so this should be fun.

Fantastic Four #554
Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch take over the series in this issue. Should be interesting to see where they go with it.

Fantastic Four: The Lost Adventure #1
I know I'm going to regret getting this, because it's written by Stan Lee, and I really dislike the way Stan Lee writes, but I can't resist the concept. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did 102 consecutive issues of Fantastic Four, and they had an idea for a 103rd story, but never completed it. This is it.

Ghost Rider #20
Jason Aaron from Scalped takes over this book on this issue. Should be interesting to see how he handles superhero comics.

The Goon #21
Woo hoo! More Goon!

Green Lantern Corps #21
Looks like the saga of Kyle and Guy's bar venture is being pushed to the side in this issue in favor of following the story of the Alpha Lanterns. But that's much more interesting anyway, so it's okay with me!

Marvel Adventures Hulk #8
Well, I wasn't a big fan of Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four, but... this has the Hulk!

Nova Annual #1
From the little summary on Marvel's website, this sounds like it'll be a pretty big, important issue, taking a look back at Nova's past and future. Exciting!

Punisher: Force of Nature #1
I was surprised but pleased to see author Duane Swierczynski's name on the credits for this book; I added it to my list immediately. I'm not clear on whether it's a one-shot or the first issue in a miniseries; either way, it seems to be about the Punisher out on a boat with some folks, and wackiness ensuing.

Star Wars: Dark Times #9
Seems like I just bought an issue of this, but apparently it's that time again!

Ultimate Iron Man II #3
I'm not really that impressed with this miniseries anymore, but if I remember correctly there's only one issue left after this one, so it hardly seems worth it to stop reading now. I might as well find out how it ends, at least.

Wolverine #62
I don't usually like to encourage Marvel's obsession with Wolverine, but this is the start of a new four-part story arc with Jason Aaron of Scalped doing the writing, so it seems worth a try.
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