Monday, July 25, 2005 12:42 PM |
Is a little forthrightness too much to ask from politicians? |
by poppy |
I'm growing weary of politics. I mean, I was never too thrilled about politics to begin with, but lately I'm just so over it. I have also lost my fire a little bit, which may have something to do with it. I just get so annoyed when I hear Santorum... I guess I could end the sentence there, but specifically I'm referring to his comments on judicial nominee Roberts' wife. To quote:
The fact that Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' wife does free legal work for an anti-abortion group should not be relevant to his confirmation hearing, a Senate Republican leader said Monday.
Come on now Rick. Of course it is relevant, and of course it is going to come up. Do not misunderstand, I'm not saying that it neccessarily should. But you know how I know Rick? Because if his wife did pro-bono work for a pro-choice organization (or, as you have been known to refer to them, a "pro-abortion" organization) or, not for nothing, for an organization seeking the legalization of gay marriage, you'd be screaming your bigoted little head off about conflict of interests, activist judges, etc., etc.
I suppose my ire comes from the stupid little bi-partisan games of late (?), those of the "Look how partisan the other side is! So partisan they are! So unreasonable! Always making hay!" It's going to be relevant because it has to be, because national politics has not been in recent memory, perhaps never ever was, about doing what was right or good or the best for the governed. It's about fucking over the "other" side at any opportunity. |