Friday, January 6, 2006 02:59 PM |
Arbitrary, Volume One |
by Fëanor |
- I can think of a couple of jokes I could make here, but they would be lame, so let me just lay it on the line for you, straight up: Gorilla Reality TV.
- A Swedish institute is playing with technology that would allow wireless P2P connections between music players so you could share music with anybody nearby. There's even an algorithm that picks out stuff it thinks you might like from nearby players and automatically downloads it to your player. Awesome. (Via Digg)
- A developer is releasing a brand spanking new RPG for the Sega Genesis (called Beggar Prince) this Spring. That's right, I said a new game for the Sega Genesis. Well, okay it's not really strictly a new game - it's actually an English translation of a game released in Taiwan in 1996. But still. I think the Genesis my folks got for me and my brother is still lying around their house somewhere. Maybe it's time to dig it out of storage! (Via Digg)
- Somebody's put together a Wiki for video game strategy guides called, understandably, StrategyWiki. Seems like a pretty good idea, but we'll have to wait and see if it develops into a decent site. I noticed after a cursory examination that the Ocarina of Time walkthrough had been taken down, apparently because it had been stolen word-for-word from the walkthrough on GameFAQs without permission. D'oh. (Via Joystiq)
- Pop quiz - who was the top drawing star of 2005? In other words, which actor's films, when their profits are all added up, made the most money? Was it Ewan McGregor? Samuel L. Jackson? Or perhaps even Morgan Freeman?
Wrong! It was Christopher Lee!! That's right, 83-year-old Christopher f'ing Lee! He was in just three films in 2005 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, and Revenge of the Sith - all of which I saw in the theaters and enjoyed, btw), but combined they made about $640 million.
I'm sorry, I just thought that was an awesome story. You go, Christopher Lee.